
Are you STK Certified??

In February of 2014, we updated our training curriculum and our STK Certification Program in conjunction with the STK 10.1 release. We decided to base STK Certification on proficiency by adding an entry-level Certification called STK Certified. In turn, our Certification Program went from one level to two:

1. STK Certified

2. STK Master Certified

We could never have imagined the overwhelming response to STK Certification! Over the past two years, over 1,200 people have become STK Certified. That is about 600 people a year! That means that each person went through our STK Fundamentals Training, either on their own or in one of our public classes, and walked away as an STK Certified user.

Many of these people went on to to hone their skills and become STK Master Certified! As an STK Master, users will have learned how to implement advanced capabilities to model, analyze, visualize, extend and share their complex scenarios.

Users are so excited to become STK Certified, they email us and share their certification status on social media:


Along with the accomplishment and prestige of becoming STK Certified, each certified user receives an STK Certified Kit. The kit includes a certificate and a sweet STK Certified shirt! Even better, they are also invited to join our LinkedIn STK Certified group. This group offers a great way to connect with other STK Certified users to share in the STK knowledge.

With the release of STK 11, we continue to encourage our users to go through our training and become certified. If you have not done so yet, we challenge you to test your STK skills and join the club! If you are already STK Certified, what are you waiting for? Become an STK Master today!


Systems Tool Kit (STK)

Modeling and simulation software for digital mission engineering and systems analysis.