With the 2023 R2 release, Ansys digital mission engineering products continue to unlock enhanced, multidomain systems simulation capabilities by placing an expanded focus on streamlining modeling and simulation workflows. With updates like continued advancement of on-orbit simulation, support for cislunar spacecraft missions, expanded trajectory modeling for aircraft formation flight procedures, and innovative workflows and statistical techniques for post-flight test and evaluation data reduction and analysis, it’s even easier to connect detailed multidomain mission simulations with high fidelity systems models and support the expanding needs of design and test engineers.  

Additionally, the connectivity of modeling and simulation artifacts between Ansys Orbit Determination Tool Kit (ODTK) and Ansys Systems Tool Kit (STK) is strengthened to provide operational users with enhanced flight dynamics capabilities. Critical to designing and testing these complex missions under realistic simulated conditions, solutions are provided to ensure the safety of flight of the systems once they transition to operation and sustainment.   

To learn more about 2023 R2, visit ansys.com.

2023 R2: STK 12.7 and ODTK 7.7

2023R2 New Features

Cislunar Mission Enhancements

A lower-fidelity model suitable for initial trajectory design and analysis is the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem (CR3BP). To effectively use this model within STK, the software environment must be appropriately configured to account for its unique considerations. With this latest release, STK’s Astrogator capability now offers a design tool to construct the necessary framework to work with the CR3BP in STK. Providing a simplified workflow/mechanism to set up STK for use with the CR3BP dynamical model, it saves time and effort for users.

Improved On-orbit Safety of Flight Analysis

This release introduces the STK Passive Safety tool, which is intended to work in concert with rendezvous and proximity operations (RPO) planning and analysis. The tool leverages Astrogator simulation and performs a comprehensive assessment against user-specified keep-out volumes. For each maneuver in an RPO itinerary, the motion resulting if any given maneuver is missed, is evaluated relative to the keep-out criteria to determine if it is passively safe. Those involved in relative motion trajectory activities will benefit from the added efficiency represented by this tool.

Advanced MBSE Behavior Modeling

Behavior Execution has added enhanced support for configuring projects to work with STK Engine. While customers have always had the ability to quickly and easily configure their projects to leverage the STK desktop application, this enhancement extends this to STK Engine. Customers can connect their simulation with STK during development to confirm correct and complete implementation, then switch to an STK Engine configuration to benefit from improved simulation runtime.

In addition, BEE has added a standalone execution capability so that customers can run a BEE simulation by direct reference to a properly constructed .mdzip file that encompasses the entire systems modeling project authored by the Cameo systems modeling tool. BEE can now run independently by simply referencing the project directly, bypassing the need to open or run the Cameo tool.