
Celebrate Apollo 11 with AGI

It’s the anniversary celebration space nerds everywhere have been waiting for. And the space nerds at AGI have been working hard on our own Apollo 11 50th anniversary activities.

Recreating Apollo 11 using STK Astrogator

AGI Engineer Austin Claybrook has painstakingly recreated the entire nine-day mission using our trajectory design and analysis tools.

  • Recreating Apollo 11 using STK Astrogator webinar. Austin discusses how he built the Apollo 11 scenario in STK, including some errors he found in the original source material.
  • Recreating Apollo 11 and 13 video "spacecast". John Carrico and Mike Loucks from Space Exploration Engineering discuss the recreation of Apollo 13 and compare with Austin’s experience recreating Apollo 11.

Apollo 11 recreation training series

A three-part, hands-on virtual training series using the Apollo 11 mission to develop lunar trajectories using STK Astrogator. And yes, Austin Claybrook led this, too, along with our superb training team.
  • Part 1: Using STK to get to and land on the moon
  • Part 2: Using STK to return home from the moon
  • Part 3: Using STK for space travel recovery

AGI at Apollopalooza

Apollopalooza (noun) - a weeklong celebration for the 50th anniversary of the moon landing at Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum in Denver, Colorado. AGI senior research astrodynamicist, David Vallado, will be presenting at the museum on the history and future of lunar missions on Tuesday, July 16, at 3:30 pm local time. In the Denver area? Buy your tickets now

Need more Apollo 11? Houston, we have NO problem! Check out our Apollo 11 events page.



Design high-fidelity spacecraft trajectories for mission planning and operations.