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White Paper: A Comparison of Lunar Landing Trajectory Strategies Using Numerical Simulations

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The paper describes the complete strategies for trajectory design from Earth-launch to Lunar landing.

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AGI, USSTRATCOM Enter Into SSA Sharing Agreement

  • Apr 16, 2019
  • Stephanie Eftimiades
  • Blog Post

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STK 12.2 Spotlight: Movie Making Enhancements

  • Apr 13, 2021
  • Kristian Calhoun
  • Blog Post

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White Paper: Angles Only Three-Axis Attitude Determination

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The problem of determining the attitude from measurements of arc lengths or equivalently from measurements of dot products of vectors is examined

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White Paper: Efficient Covariance Interpolation Using Blending Of Approximate State Error Transitions

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This paper describes a new method for interpolating covariance in which an approximate state error transition is incorporated.

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White Paper: Ephemeris Requirements For Space Situational Awareness

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This paper describes the ephemeris requirements for Space Situational Awareness (SSA).

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White Paper: Estimation Of Instantaneous Maneuvers Using A Fixed Interval Smoother

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The analysis of these nearly instantaneous maneuvers is the focus of this study.

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Partnering to Develop SSA in Thailand

  • Nov 6, 2017
  • Karynna Tuan
  • Blog Post

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White Paper: A Comprehensive Assessment of Collision Likelihood in Geosynchronous Earth Orbit

  • Dan Oltrogge
  • PDF

Knowing the likelihood of collision for satellites is of extreme importance and interest to the global space community

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White Paper: An Analysis of State Vector Prediction Accuracy

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The requirements for precise orbit determination (OD) and propagation are becoming commonplace as numerical operations become standard.

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White Paper: Analysis Of The Response Of A Space Surveillance Network To Orbital Debris Events

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Minimizing space debris and mitigating the consequences of near Earth orbital debris have been serious issues for several years

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White Paper: Status Report of AGI’s Commercial Space Operations Center and other AGI SSA Initiatives

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Status Report of AGI’s Commercial Space Operations Center and other AGI SSA Initiatives

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Space Software Showcase: Space Situational Awareness

  • Apr 1, 2020
  • Jim Cooper
  • Video

Learn about debris and space traffic management for current and future space assets using the Chinasat 1C/SJ17 events of 2018 as an example.

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STK Cloud Subscriptions Now Available!

  • Dec 11, 2020
  • AGI Marketing
  • Blog Post

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White Paper: Advances in Satellite Conjunction Analysis

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This paper explores the use of operational methodologies for appropriately thinning the resultant large data sets

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White Paper: How the Space Data Center Is Improving Safety of Space Operations

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This paper will address how the SDC will use a service-oriented architecture (SOA) to support orbital operations.

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White Paper: Multi-Phenomenology Observation Network Evaluation Tool (MONET)

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This paper describes the multi-phenomenology observation network evaluation tool.

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