Available Now — STK 12.1
- Nov 16, 2020
- Blog Post
Systems Tool Kit (STK)
November is always a wild time of year. We’re all hopped up on pumpkin spiced everything, our sleep schedules are askew because of Standard Time, and the holidays are rushing toward us like a freight train. But just in case you weren’t breathless and excited enough, AGI has some big news today: STK 12.1 has been released!
Learn more
- Visit the New STK page or download the PDF.
- Read the complete What’s New in STK 12.1 feature list in the STK Help.
- Watch the three-minute overview video below.
Select new STK 12.1 features:
- New visualization enhancements, including support for complex glTF 3D model animations. Watch this three-minute video overview.
- HF skywave propagation for STK Communications and STK Radar, through a direct integration of the VOACAP model. Learn more in this 20-minute webinar.
- More high-fidelity propagation options for STK Astrogator, including the N-plate atmospheric drag model to match the SRP model that we introduced in STK 11.7. We’ve also added variable area for both the drag and SRP models.
- Hypersonic thermal-load analysis for STK Aviator.
- Create standard STK objects from STK Aviator catalog data, including aeronautical data points in DAFIF and ARINC datasets.
- Native support for Scalable Network’s Exata network emulator, including a refreshed QualNet interface that is now called the Scalable Networks Simulation Interface. Learn more in this 30-minute webinar.
- A native Python API for integration with STK and STK Engine. This is a cross-platform API, so you can reuse code for STK Engine on Windows or Linux without modification.